58th Annual THIMUN The Hague Conference
to be held from 26 – 30 January 2026


The THIMUN (The Hague International Model United Nations) conference 2026 will be a four-day simulation of the United Nations for secondary school students, which will take place at the end of January in the World Forum The Hague.

The Conference theme for 2026 is yet to be confirmed.



In August, schools which attended in the previous year will receive an invitation to attend. We urge you to download the Registration Handbook for detailed information and procedures to follow for registration.

New schools wishing to participate will need to formally apply. The guidelines for participation can be found on the Foundation website under participation, New Schools.


The Registration Form (ONLINE FORM I) must be received by September 2025. The ONLINE FORM I can be found when you log in to the MUNIS Online Registration System. 

The Application Forms for students applying for individual appointments are also due by this date (these forms are available under Downloads)

At the time of registration schools should proceed to the pre-payment fees. Once THIMUN receives the pre-payment fees the school will be assigned one or more delegations.


By October 2025,  the delegation assignments and the individual student appointments are published in the Conference Web-App under Student Officers, MUNITY Press, ICC, HSC 1982, NATO Summit or SFAR.


By November 2025, schools must submit a complete list of the names of all participants (ONLINE FORM II) including the MUN-director(s) and Chaperone(s). The ONLINE FORM II can be found when you log in to the MUNIS Online Registration System.


The invoice for any outstanding balance can be found in the MUNIS System. The remainder of the fees must be transferred before January 2026. Once all the fees have been paid the Statement of Account will also be available online in the MUNIS system.

January 2026

In January all schools will receive the latest information for the conference by email. The conference takes place: Tuesday 27 – Friday 30 January 2026 at the World Forum The Hague.

Conference Venue

World Forum

Churchillplein 10

2517 JW  The Hague

The Netherlands


This programme is from the January 2025 THIMUN Conference 

15:00-17:00 Mandatory briefings for Student Officers, ICC, HSC, NATO and MUNITY
14:30-17:00 School Registration
08:30-10:00 School Registration
09:00-10:00 Preparatory meetings for all Committees, Sub-Commissions, ECOSOC and G77
09:00-15:45 Opening Speeches and Lobbying Issue 1 & 2 for all Committees, Sub-Commissions, ECOSOC, G77
09:00-15:00 Security Council and Historical Security Council in session
09:00-15:45 ICC and NATO in session
09:00-17:00 MUNITY
10:30 – 11:30 Approval Panel training (from 12:00 it will be in function)
12:00-14:00 Lunch available (lunch time varies per forum)
12:45 – 13:30 MUN-Directors’ Introductory meeting (mandatory)
16:00-17:00 Formal Opening Ceremonies
19:00-20:30 Reception MUN-Directors
09:00-17:00 Committees, Sub-Commissions, ECOSOC, G77 in Debate Issue 1&2
10:00-12:00 Workshop 1 for MUN-Directors
09:00-17:00 Security Council and Historical Security Council in session
09:00-17:00 ICC, NATO in session
09:00-17:00 MUNITY
09:00-14:00 Approval Panel open
11:30-14:00 Lunch available (lunch time varies per forum)
13:00-17:00 Committees, Sub-Commissions, ECOSOC and G77 in Session
19:30 Evening Event
09:00-10:30 Continued Debate on Issue 1 & 2
10:00-12:00 Workshop 2 for MUN-Directors
09:00-17:00 ICC, NATO, SC & HSC in session
09:00-17:00 MUNITY
09:00-17:00 Lobbying in Committees, Sub-Commissions, ECOSOC, G77 Issue 3
12:00-17:00 Approval Panel open
11:30-14:00 Lunch available (lunch time varies per forum)
12:30-13:15 Ambassadors and Heads of Delegation meeting
09:00-15:45 Committees, Sub-Commissions, ECOSOC G77 in Session Issue 3
09:00-15:45 MUNITY
09:00-15:45 ICC, NATO, Security Council and Historical Security Council in session
11:00-13:30 Lunch available (lunch time varies per forum)
16:00-17:00 Closing Ceremonies

These issues are from the January 2025 THIMUN Conference


GA1 (Disarmament & International Security)

  • The question of robotisation of armed forces
  • Promoting technological development of Artificial Intelligence as a facilitator of peace
  • Measures to tackle the link between international terrorism and organised crime

GA 2 (Economic & Financial)

  • Ensuring ethical Artificial Intelligence usage in financial services to prevent market manipulation and fraud
  • The question of working conditions and standards of safety in factories
  • Measures to reduce tourism congestion at natural and cultural sites

GA 3 (Social, Humanitarian & Cultural)

  • Measures to insure patient privacy and ethical considerations in AI-driven healthcare
  • Measures to tackle racism, antisemitism, and islamophobia
  • Measures to give access to citizenship, education, and justice for women worldwide

GA 4 (Special Political & Decolonization)

  • The situation in New Caledonia
  • The situation in Cyprus
  • The situation in Haiti

GA 6 (Legal)

  • The question of legislation concerning foreign investments on Artificial Intelligence recent technologies in order to protect national interests
  • Measures for the transparency, accountability, and oversight of Artificial Intelligence Systems
  • The question of prosecuting heads of state or government for crimes against humanity


  • The situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo [DR Congo]
  • The situation in Afghanistan
  • The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question


  • The impact of Artificial Intelligence on the labour market
  • The role of NGOs in improving the lives of people living in slums
  • Situation and assistance to Palestinian civilians

GROUP OF 77 (G77)

  • Addressing the existential threats of rising sea-levels
  • Implementing the Pact for the Future
  • Enhancing economic resilience through broader South-South economic cooperation


Sub-commission 1 (EVC1)

  • The use of Artificial Intelligence for the benefit of our planet
  • Methods to transition from oil-based energy sources to renewable energy sources in Less Economically Developed Countries [LEDCs]
  • Measures to save Natural Heritage in Danger listed by UNESCO

Sub-commission 2 (EVC2)

  • Developing individualised approaches to effective water management in order to secure access to clean freshwater resources
  • Alternatives and practical solutions to address and mitigate deforestation and land degradation
  • Promoting vegetarianism as a means of reducing carbon footprint


Sub-commission 1 (HRC1)

  • Tackling the use of Artificial Intelligence by terrorist groups
  • Respect for the right to universal freedom of travel and the vital importance of family reunification throughout the world
  • Safeguarding the rights of children in the deployment of AI technologies

Sub-commission 2 (HRC2)

  • Measures to eradicate domestic violence [femicide]
  • Promoting equal access to educational resources
  • Measures by the UN to better support Non-Governmental Organisations’ work


Sub-commission 1 (SDC1)

  • Follow-up on 2024 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development concerning End poverty [SDG1], and good health and wellbeing [SDG3]
  • Measures to make cities more inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable [SDG11]
  • Methods to protect oceans from overexploitation [SDG14]

Sub-commission 2 (SDC2)

  • Protecting workers’ rights in the context of AI-driven job displacement [SDG8]
  • Measures to promote sustainable reindustrialisation in developed countries [SDG9]
  • Measures to improve housing conditions for people living in slums or informal settlements [SDG11]


Sub-commission 1 (SPC1)

  • Measures to ensure equal access and use of Artificial Intelligence technology, products, and services by developing countries
  • The question of loss of jobs due to Artificial Intelligence
  • The use of Artificial Intelligence in surveillance in the context of freedom of movement

Sub-commission 2 (SPC2)

  • The question of Artificial Intelligence regarding misinformation and disinformation
  • The use of Artificial Intelligence in order to reduce the social, digital, and economic divides
  • Measures to develop Artificial Intelligence for the benefit of global development [education]


  • The Question of the Falkland Islands / Islas Malvinas, 2 April 1982
  • The Soviet Afghan War, Panjshir Offensive, 16 May 1982
  • The outbreak of the Lebanon War, 6 June 1982


  • The Prosecutor versus Omar Hassan Ahmad al Bashir
  • The Prosecutor versus Vladimirovich Putin and Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova


  • Strengthening resilience against cyber and hybrid threats
  • The situation in the Black Sea region [sea and neighbouring countries]
  • Adapting NATO to a world of strategic competition


These are written by the Student Officers to guide the delegates on their research and preparation for each issue on the agenda. The Student Officers per committee will research and write these reports, they will be available to download in December by clicking on the issue in question in the Conference App.

The size of the delegations will vary according to the type of delegation and the need to be represented in a particular committee or council based on the agenda items affecting these delegations.

The complete list of available delegations with the specific committees per delegation can be downloaded below and/or under downloads from the Registration Handbook.

THIMUN The Hague Registration Handbook (to be published August 2024)


The final list of assigned delegations per school will be posted by the end of October and can be found in our CONFERENCE WEB-APP within the menu – Delegations, this will redirect you to the THIMUN platform that will be used before and during the conference.


The Security Council is composed of 5 permanent members (China, France, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States of America) and 10 members elected for two-year terms.

Non-permanent members of the Security Council: Algeria, Denmark, Greece, Guyana, Pakistan, Panama, Rep. of Korea, Sierra Leone, Slovenia, Somalia)

Max. two delegates of each of the 15 member states delegations must be assigned to the Security Council.


The Economic and Social Council is composed of 54 member countries, a third of the members changing every year. The member states represented at THIMUN The Hague listed in the Registration Handbook under delegations.

Two delegates of ECOSOC member delegations must be assigned to ECOSOC.

GROUP OF 77 (G77)

The Group of 77 (G77) at the United Nations is a coalition of developing countries, designed to promote its members’ collective economic interests and create an enhanced joint negotiating capacity in the UN. There are currently 134 member countries. During THIMUN we will have 85 member countries in the Group of 77, one delegate per member country.


The maximum size of the non-member delegations will vary according to the type of delegation and the need to be represented in a particular committee, council or sub-commission because of agenda items affecting these delegations.

Non-member Delegations are delegations representing:

Non-member states / Official observers (OOs), Spokespeople / Lobbyist for Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and Specialist spokespeople for UN Organisations and Specialised Agencies.

Such delegations will be accorded both speaking and voting rights on issues relevant to their organisation.

Non-member delegates will be assigned to a particular forum,  on the basis of max. 1 delegate per forum (except for ECOSOC, where max. 2 delegates can be assigned) and may only participate in another forum or the Security Council at the express invitation of the President or Chair of the forum concerned.



Students apply individually for positions in the following categories:


The general rules for these applications are as follows, unless otherwise specified.

  • Only students from participating schools can apply for an individual student position.
  • All students applying for one of the above positions must complete an Application Form, write a formal letter of application/motivation and provide a letter of recommendation from their MUN-Director.
  • Complete applications must be received at the THIMUN The Hague Office by the final closing date, Friday 20 September 2024. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • Students can only apply for a position in ONE of the categories.


The Student Officer Team consists of the Executive Committee together with the Presidents, Deputy Presidents, Committee Chairs and Deputy Committee Chairs in the various forums.

All student Officers must be thoroughly conversant with Parliamentary Procedure and particularly with the current THIMUN Rules of Procedure. They must have a good knowledge of current affairs as well as of the issues on the agenda. They must write a research report and must be prepared to be actively involved in the lobbying process, coordinating the work of their respective council or committee throughout the week.

In their application, candidates should state which position and which forum(s) they are particularly interested in. Please note that students in their final year at secondary school who have not previously chaired at THIMUN or at a THIMUN-Affiliated conference are unlikely to be selected.

Once the student officers have been selected, they will be contacted by the Executive Committee with further details on preparing for the conference. Part of this preparation is to research the issues on the agenda and to write a Research Report that must be prepared well in advance to the conference. They will also be required to join online briefings before the actual conference.

The Executive Committee consists of:

Secretary General, Deputy Secretaries General and President of the General Assembly
President of the Security Council
President of ECOSOC
President of Group of 77
President of the Special Conference
Presidents of the three Commissions (Environment, Human Rights and Sustainable Development)
President of the NATO/ICC/HSC/SFAR (4 positions)
Executive Administrative Officer

Deputy Presidents and Committee Chairs

The Deputy Presidents of the three Commissions and the Special Conference preside over the sub- commissions when they are in session and assist the President in lobbying and in the plenary sessions. The Committee Chairs will each preside over one of the four GA Committees when they are in session. Most of these positions are expected to be filled by those who have already held a position at THIMUN or a THIMUN-Affiliated conference as Deputy President or Deputy Chair.

Deputy Committee Chairs

In general, Deputy Chairs are appointed to provide an opportunity for younger students to gain experience. It is hoped that such students will prove themselves capable and will be available to serve again at the subsequent session of THIMUN. Thus, preference will be given to students able to attend in 2025 as well as in 2026.


The Netherlands will be hosting the next NATO Summit in The Hague in July 2025. Leaders of 32 countries will participate in this summit. The THIMUN Foundation, in collaboration with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will organise a simulation of this summit during the 2025 Conference. The THIMUN NATO Summit will consist of 32 members. The members of this summit will not only bring political and diplomatic perspectives, but in addition, economic, judicial, and military dimensions to this forum.

All applicants must belong to a participating school and should be students with previous (THI)MUN experience. Their task will be to conclude a joint communiqué. This communiqué is not a regular resolution. The decisions taken are mandatory to all member states. For the rest, the rules and regulations are akin to those of the Security Council; the NATO Summit will debate in plenary sessions. The quality of the debate highly depends on the experience, flexibility, and enthusiasm of the participants to the forum.


A Historical Security Council [HSC] will be held at THIMUN 2024 and the year selected is 1982. Fifteen schools with teams of 2 delegates per school, will each represent one of the member states that composed the Security Council in 1982 (see page 13 in the Registration Handbook for member states). Similar to the ‘regular’ Security Council, the Historical Security Council is composed of 5 permanent members and 10 members elected for a two-year term. Candidates to this forum must apply by completing the specific HSC Application Form.

The delegates will simulate the Security Council on the year 1982 and will confront 3 critical events in chronological order (see Issues on the Agenda). The focus is on what the SC could have done when confronted with these crises.


The ICC at THIMUN 2025 will consist of judges and of members of two different parties (Prosecutor Office and Defence Office). They are independent advocates and not members of any country delegation.

Applications are sought from outstanding students of sound academic ability, with a capacity for independent research, a good knowledge of international affairs and MUN experience. An interest in law is required but applicants are not expected to be legal experts. In their application, as well as outlining their qualifications and experience, candidates must state whether they wish to serve either as a student officer, or as a judge, prosecutor or defence.

The ICC at THIMUN will consist of three student officers (President, Deputy President & Registrar) and seventeen members divided into five teams: nine judges, and for each case a team of two members of the Office of the Prosecutor and two members of the Office of the Defence.

Once selected, all applicants are expected to study the Statute, Rules of Court and procedures of the International Criminal Court and the Model ICC Guidebook. The advocates will additionally study their case, prepare their presentation od evidence, choose and brief their witnesses.

All applicants must be at least 16 years old, and must be aware that, if chosen, they are expected to attend the mandatory briefing in the afternoon on Monday 27 January 2025 at the World Forum The Hague.


This forum, consisting of 29 panellists (page 14 Registration Handbook), has the task of concluding a communiqué. All applicants must belong to a participating school and should be students with ample previous (THI)MUN experience.

What distinguishes this forum from all other forums at THIMUN is that panellists will be the representatives of bodies as diverse as countries, UN agencies or other international or national organisations. As such, they will not only bring political and diplomatic perspectives, but in addition economic, cultural, technical, judicial, and environmental dimensions to this forum.

The purpose of the debate is not to draw up a regular resolution, but a communiqué that is advisory more than mandatory in tone. The rules of procedure are akin to those of the Security Council, however, more than voting on each clause, the panellists must seek consensus. The Special Forum will debate only in plenary session. Of course, the quality of the debate highly depends on the experience, flexibility, and enthusiasm of the participants to the forum.


Press delegates, under the supervision and direction of the Press Coordinator, are responsible for producing the conference newspaper and online content. The Press Delegation includes layout editors, text editors, experienced reporters, photographers, cartoon artists and videographers.

The letter of application should include details of the applicant’s journalistic skills, familiarity with word processing, desktop publishing (InDesign), photo and/or video editing programs, MUN experience and knowledge of international affairs (for writers).Applicants are encouraged to send samples of their work, e.g. articles, photos, artwork, or layouts published in school or student newspapers and magazines, essays or assignments in English, History, International Relations or Art classes. Successful applicants are expected to be engaged in an online forum in the months before the conference, contributing their ideas and work for publication in the pre-conference issue of MUNITY.


The list of students whose applications have been successful will be published by Wednesday 16 October 2024 at the latest in the Conference Web-App.


Except for the Executive Committee of the Student Officer team, all students holding individual positions will be charged the full participant fee.


THIMUN has developed a Web App to use before and during our conferences.

Registered participating schools and students can find all detailed information on the upcoming event such as country delegations per school, Student Officer selection, and more. The  CONFERENCE APP button can be accessed in the main menu. .

All participants (Students, MUN-Directors, Chaperones, Individual Student positions and Press) will also be using the app during the event in a secure environment and can follow the debate in real time, find room allocations as well as other information during the conference.


Conference Fees


Fee per school delegation € 160.00
Participation fee per person for MUN-Directors/Chaperones/Delegates/MUNITY Press/Individual Student Positions (except Executive team) Includes lunches and a HTM Public Transport Conference ticket* € 335.00
Changes to FORM II after November per ID badge changed, replacement ID badge after registration at conference (cash payment) € 30.00

* Schools NOT requiring the HTM Public transport cards must inform the THIMUN office before December 1st. Those schools will receive a discount of € 20.00 per participant on the participation fee.

A final statement of numbers and names of participants is required on the online FORM II by November. By submitting Form II the MUN-Director agrees that the school is obliged to pay in full for the number of students and teachers registered.



A financial statement can be found in the main menu of the MUNIS Online Registration System, once you have logged in. The section Account (financial) links to a printable statement of account. Once your submitted Online Form II is accepted, ( and there is an outstanding balance), it will be an actual invoice requesting payment.



Changes / Substitutions:

After 22 November 2024 substitutions for students unable to attend will only be permitted upon payment of an administrative charge. All changes and substitutions must be sent to the THIMUN office in writing or by email. The cost of a change is € 30.00 per badge changed.


From 22 November 2024 the full fees/charges are due, whether or not a school, or an individual participant, for whatever reason, actually attends.

Cancellation costs will vary according to the date the written cancellation is received by the THIMUN Office:

Cancellation of participant or school:
after 20 September 2024 100% of Delegation pre-payment
after 22 November 2024 100% of fees / charges due

It is strongly recommended that schools take out adequate cancellation, travel, and medical insurance.

THIMUN is not responsible for costs incurred by individual schools or participants in any of these areas.



Delegation Pre-Payment

In September all registered schools should proceed to transfer the pre-payment fees. Once THIMUN has received the pre-payment fees the school will be assigned one or more delegations, depending on the number of seats needed.

By Friday 11 October 2024 at the latest, a non-refundable delegation pre-payment (including delegation fee) must be transferred to the THIMUN bank account (see below):

€ 5,185.00 for a SC/ECOSOC (G77) Country (covers for 14 students plus 1 MUN-Director)
€ 4,515.00 for a SC (G77) Country (covers for 12 students plus 1 MUN-Director)
€ 3,845.00 for a Standard Delegation, ECOSOC or G77 Country (covers for 10 students plus 1 MUN-Director)
€ 2,505.00 for a Small Delegation Country (covers for 6 students plus 1 MUN-Director)
€ 1,165.00 for a Non-member Delegation (covers for 2 students plus 1 MUN-Director)


The remainder of the fees must be transferred by January 2025 before the conference. The details of your statement of account can be found in the MUNIS system, once you have logged in. MUN-Directors are expected to bring evidence of payment with them to registration at the conference.

All payments are to be made in Euro, and net of all bank charges to our ABN AMRO account.



Please clearly indicate the name of the school and/or School ID and the conference. The International Bank Account Number (IBAN) and the International Bank Code (BIC/SWIFT) should be used to avoid unnecessary delays and charges. To avoid or minimize such charges, schools should instruct their bank to transfer the money, net of bank charges, directly by bank giro transfer into the THIMUN Bank account.

Account No.
IBAN: NL03ABNA0484264567
ABN AMRO Bank, Koningskade 30, The Hague, Netherlands


Schools are required to make their own arrangements for travel to and from The Hague, as well as for accommodation during the conference. However, THIMUN can assist in certain areas and recommend you contact ITO Tours for arrangements in hotels, transfers and trips during your stay in the Netherlands, see below for further information on ITO.


The team at ITO TOURS is again delighted to offer you accommodation packages, including transfers, to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip to the Netherlands for you and your students.

To further enhance this journey and create lasting memories, we are delighted to assist you in exploring our country’s rich cultural heritage and breath taking landscapes. If time and budget permit, we are more than happy to provide you with quotes for pre- and/or post-nights in other captivating cities in the Netherlands, Belgium, or France.

Furthermore, we can organize thrilling excursions before and after the conference, expanding your experience and adding an extra element of excitement to your trip. To view our website for further information, please click here.

Once your school registration to THIMUN is confirmed, you may start planning your trip the the Netherlands. Please kindly submit your inquiry to, and we will be delighted to provide you with personalised assistance for your travel plans. Our team is committed to tailoring all quotes to your specific needs, budget, and preferences.


It is strongly advised that all schools take responsibility when travelling to and from the Netherlands to attend THIMUN 2025. We urge all schools to check the official government sites of the Netherlands as well as their own government website for requirements needed.


It is strongly recommended that all schools take out adequate cancellation, travel, and medical insurances. THIMUN will not be responsible for any costs incurred by individual schools or participants in any of these areas.


Students who require a visa to the Netherlands should have their MUN-Director send a letter to the THIMUN Office ( stating the following passport information: name as written in passport, date of birth, nationality, passport number and date of issue/expiration. Please also include the email address of the visa department of the Dutch Embassy or Consulate where you will apply for your visa.

We urge schools who need visa assistance to send the information of all students/teachers needing a visa in one single document as this greatly speeds up the process. Please make sure we have your information by December as the process may take a while. Upon receipt of the information the THIMUN office will send a formal invitation letter to the applicant (MUN-Director).


THIMUN offers with ITO Tours a pick-up service to and from the airport to your hotel/hostel or the World Forum.

For those not using the Pick-up Bus Service, there are frequent trains direct from Amsterdam/Schiphol Airport to The Hague. From Station Den Haag Hollands Spoor (HS), tram 1 (direction Scheveningen) takes you to the Crown Plaza Hotel which is a few minutes walk from the World Forum.

From Den Haag Central Station (CS) tram 17 (direction Statenkwartier) or bus 24 (direction Kijkduin) will take you directly to the World Forum.


At registration you will receive a special 4-day HTM ticket that serve as a public transport ticket for The Hague area. With this ticket you can travel on any tram or bus in The Hague and Scheveningen during the days of the conference. Extra day cards can also be purchased online via the HTM site or directly on the bus or tram.


It is important for THIMUN to know where all participants are staying for the duration of the conference. Therefore, all schools must fill in the name of the accommodation on FORM II. This does not apply to students from local schools who are living at home. Please note however that this information on FORM II is for administrative purposes only. THIMUN does not make or change any hotel reservations.


Although THIMUN The Hague is an educational exercise intended for young people, delegates are simulating the Councils of the United Nations. Thus, for the period of the conference, they must be regarded as diplomats and ambassadors for the country they are representing, as well as representatives of their individual schools. This demands a high standard of personal conduct and behaviour from all delegates, both during the conference sessions and outside the World Forum.

It is extremely important for the continuing good relations between THIMUN, the World Forum, the City of The Hague and the diplomatic and business communities that delegates always behave appropriately. Therefore, schools are expected to select their students carefully and not bring to The Hague any student who is likely to create a disciplinary problem. This is important not only for the good name of THIMUN but also for the good name of the school concerned. School Administrators and MUN-Directors should be aware that attendance at the annual session of THIMUN is by invitation and that this invitation may be withheld from schools unable to ensure that their students conform to accepted standards of adult behaviour.


All students must be accompanied by, and are the responsibility of, the designated MUN-Director(s). A MUN- Director must be a teacher at the school, or at one of the schools from which the delegation comes. At least two responsible adults (MUN-Directors) should accompany each group. This does not apply to students in small delegations or in delegations from local schools. These students may be accompanied by just one MUN- Director.

All students staying in hotels must be supervised by their MUN-Director. MUN-Directors are required not only to stay in the same hotel as their students but must ensure that their room is located as close as possible to the rooms in which their students are staying. MUN-Directors with students staying in hotels are required to sign the Code of Conduct issued by the hotels through ITO PCO and must ensure that their students conform to these requirements.

At least one MUN-Director per school is expected to be always present in the World Forum, as well as for the meeting on Monday. MUN-Directors must ensure that their students are present in their designated forums. MUN-Directors are also required to adhere to the dress code (see below).


Formal dress, i.e., the kind of clothes that real UN diplomats might be expected to wear when attending UN sessions, is required at all meetings. In order not to cause offence to other delegates, national dress, military uniforms, sports shoes and armbands are forbidden.


Delegates and teachers must be always courteous to the World Forum Staff and to the THIMUN Organisational and Administrative Staff, most of whom are volunteers giving up many hours of their own time to serve the delegates.

Smoking is prohibited in the entire World Forum and alcoholic drinks may not be consumed while the conference is in session.


Students must remember that THIMUN is dependent on the goodwill of hotel managements in being able to provide accommodation at a reasonable cost for delegates. An unpleasant experience by just one hotel may mean the

loss of many potential beds for future delegates. Therefore, students must be always polite and considerate to hotel staff and fellow residents.

A curfew of 11 p.m. is recommended for every night and there must be no noise in hotel rooms after 10 p.m.


Smoking and/or the consumption of alcoholic drinks are not allowed in the World Forum. MUN-Directors are responsible for making and enforcing their own rules for their own students regarding alcohol consumption outside the conference venue.

It should be noted that in the Netherlands the legal minimum age for alcoholic consumption is 18, it is impossible for the conference organisers to impose unrealistic and unenforceable restrictions on alcohol consumption outside the conference. The use of any narcotic drug is expressively prohibited.


Disrespectful behaviours in preparation of and during the THIMUN conference should be addressed by attendees directly or through their MUN-Director, head committee chair or one of the executive student officers. Instances of undiplomatic behaviour, bullying, harassment, or discrimination may be called to the attention of THIMUN Staff and Board of Directors.

All forms of undiplomatic behaviour, bullying, harassment, and discrimination are not acceptable. Such acts and behaviour are incompatible with THIMUN’s educational mission and are a violation of our values.

Anyone who believes they have seen or encountered undiplomatic behaviour, bullying, harassment, or discrimination should bring it to the attention of the THIMUN Foundation’s Board or Staff. The allegations will be investigated, and a response will follow. Consequences may include issuing a verbal reprimand, expelling violators from the conference without compensation, barring violators from future THIMUN involvement, as well as barring their respective schools from future THIMUN involvement.

The THIMUN Foundation has the right to take these, or any other actions deemed appropriate in order to ensure the safe participation of all students and to uphold the values and ethos of the THIMUN Foundation.

PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL SAFETY – Anti-bullying and harassment

Every THIMUN participant has the right to feel safe and included at the THIMUN conference. We believe that our THIMUN conference should create a community in which all students and staff thrive, and all identities are affirmed and protected. In order to ensure complete safety and wellbeing of all THIMUN participants, this policy is in place. Undiplomatic behaviour, bullying, harassment, and discrimination violate our core values and are not acceptable at the THIMUN conference.

Practicalities and Forms

Click the links below to download the Registration Handbook for THIMUN The Hague, as well as all forms.

Fillable Application Forms for Individual Student Positions – THIMUN The Hague 2025: 

Please note that the Registration form (ONLINE Form I) and the Participation form (ONLINE FORM II) are only available online in a secure environment (MUNIS). To log in please click here.


The Research Reports for THIMUN The Hague 2025 will be published in December 2024 on the Conference Web-App.


Preparation guidelines, rules and procedures, sample resolutions etc. can be found on our Foundation site under the Education section.

By downloading any PDFs, you agree to the following terms:

All materials available for downloading from the THIMUN website are copyright of the THIMUN Foundation and the authors named in the publications.

  1. All materials may only be used for the purpose of teaching and training THIMUN participants. No part of the publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
  2. The publications may not be distributed by any means.
  3. Hypertext links to the publications require prior permission from the webmaster.

All publications are correct at the time of publications.